Retirement Education for Solopreneurs.

Build a simple financial system that turns your profits into passive income.

Become confident in
your financial plan

Increase retirement income
by 30% – 70%

Get a financial scorecard
to stay on track
Is your financial plan to hold your breath, hope for the best and just grind it out?
You started a business to create something powerful and control your own destiny. While it’s exciting, it can be a lonely road. When it comes to something as daunting as your financial future, it is hard to know who to trust. Far too often the default is to just out work the problem. The goal behind the mastermind is to teach you everything you need to know, so when it comes time to pick a financial mentor, you know how to evaluate if they are worthy of your future.

Join the EWS Mastermind and learn a financial system that works as hard as you do.

Brute force may be a good way to not go homeless, but you aren’t working this hard to just squeak by. You need a true system that can adjust as your business grows and help you translate your effort into real wealth.

Become confident in your financial future

Wisdom is knowing the problem. Confidence is having the system, strategies and tools to solve it.

Increase retirement income by 30% - 70%

The key is having a system focused on income and efficiency so every dollar works harder.

Get a financial scorecard to stay on track

Finances can feel complex. In reality, there are only 7 key metrics that you control and that make a big impact.

Flexibility to respond when life pivots

When chaos and opportunity strike, plans can fail. Good systems allow you to respond without breaking.
You and I are not so different.
Fifteen years ago, my life changed in a profound way. My mentor opened my eyes to a better system of building generational wealth. And I knew I would devote the rest of my career to showing others the same thing. True stewardship begins by looking through a different lens, asking the right questions and exploring what is possible.
Here’s what we’ll cover in the EWS Mastermind.

Week 1: Understanding the problem with most financial plans

The financial industry is outdated; it’s like trying to text using a rotary phone.

Week 2: Laying the foundation & how to measure success.
The key to winning is knowing the right problems to solve, and laying the foundation to get there.
Week 3: Designing your financial system
Solving the right problem and having the right strategies eventually require the right set of tools to bring the system to life.
Week 4: Optimizing opportunities & wealth acceleration
With the right foundation, new opportunities, captured correctly, can dramatically accelerate wealth creation.
Week 5: Seeing the EWS system in action – Case studies
No one got wealthy at a seminar, it requires execution. In Week 5 we look at the practical side of EWS.
Week 6: Using the EWS Scorecard
Wealth creation can be complex but there are really only 7 metrics that you should be tracking on a monthly basis. We will tackle what to measure and why.
Entrepreneurs Wealth System
You are four steps away in taking control of your wealth creation.


Take the "On Track Assessment"

All progress starts by telling the truth. Let’s see if you are already on track to your income goals.


Join the EWS Mastermind

Join the mastermind and learn how to improve your retirement income and make every dollar work harder.



No one ever got wealthy at a seminar. Implementation and putting the system to work is where the magic happens.


Use the EWS Scorecard

Begin using your scorecard and start tracking the metrics that matter.
I signed up for EWS because I had a personal goal to feel more clear and confident about my financial future. As an entrepreneur, I’ve hesitated to invest because my income is so variable, and it seems easier to wait until “I’ve made it” (a horizon line that seems nebulous at best.) I’ve always been able to make money, but had a hard time knowing what to do with it when it came in the door… No more! After the 6 week EWS Accelerator, I now know how much to save, where to invest, and most importantly how to make my money work EFFICIENTLY for my goals. Eric’s program helped take me from relatively clueless to newly confident in my financial literacy — and ultimately gave me a lot more HOPE that my future can be bigger, bolder, and brighter as a result of making awesome adulting decisions now.
Cassie Shea
I found this book to be super practical and actually quite entertaining. As an avid reader of personal finance books, I felt like I knew all about the typical best practices on earning, saving and investing.

But this book is different – it focuses on building WEALTH through a really useful framework that actually makes sense for entrepreneurs like me. I highly recommend picking up a copy and putting it into practice to take your net worth (and more importantly your cash flow) to new levels.

Dustin Riechmann
Entrepreneur –
I run a marketing agency and the last year was pretty rocky with revenue. I have a lot of money saved up but some of my money was wasted on bad investments (shopify automations). I bought some real estate, also opened up an insurance plan, and put money into the market.

Frankly I was all over the place and even though it felt like I was doing all the right things I wasn’t seeing any actual progress.

With this book I feel more confident in my step-by-step approach. I even set up a better system to manage my money month to month to save more for investing.

Now, whenever I’m thinking about an investment or purchase, I think whether it falls into my foundation, core, or explore. Thanks Eric!

Zack Zeller
Entrepreneur – ZZ Media

Frequently asked questions

How much do I need to get started?
In wealth creation, time is not your friend. Starting small and laying a foundation is much much better than waiting until you have amassed a fortune and are trying to figure out what to do with it.

Plus the earlier you start, the more efficient and stable we can make the system.

Do I need to share all my finances in a group setting?
No, in the group setting we will focus on the education, the concepts and the systems.

No need, unless you want to share your story, to dive into your specific situation.

All the specific financial information will be discussed privately in our one-on-one time as we are helping you build our your specific system.

What is the cost and time commitment?
We understand everyone is super busy!

There will be 6-7 mastermind sessions.

The training sessions are once a week, usually in the mornings, and will last between 60 and 90 minutes.

A couple of days before each class there will be a short 10-20 minute video previewing the weeks information.

The only other outside time will be one to two 1:1 sessions to help you build our your own unique system

What if I wanted to meet one to one?
In each mastermind cohort there will be a couple of one on one sessions with just the two of us to walk through your specific situation and help you build out your system and scorecard.

We believe the mastermind session to be the best way to learn as it allows you to learn from others questions and to share experiences. However, if you would like to have private education that can be arranged for a cost.

What is a mastermind?
If you’ve never been part of a mastermind, you’re in for a treat!

It’s based on the idea of “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts” – meaning a well-curated and facilitated small group can help accelerate learning faster than a one-on-one coaching setting.

Studies show that results happen 5X faster in mastermind groups than in individual training.
You’ll get insights, ideas and questions not only from Eric but from the other members of your group.

Plus you gain a community of others thinking differently about their money

What if I have someone helping me with my finances?
The goal of the mastermind is education and helping to change how we approach wealth creation in America one person at a time.

The hope is you walk away from the group asking better questions, thinking more three dimensionally, and thinking generationally about your money.

If we have the opportunity to help you beyond the class, great. If you are enriched by the education and you and your advisor make changes that grow your wealth and flexibility, that is equally amazing.

The Wealthy Entrepreneur Scorecard
This book contains your step-by-step guide to true wealth:
The clear 7-piece roadmap based on my 40-years as a financial advisor. Skip the abundance of unregulated advice online and find out exactly what you need to build true wealth on page 21.
Is your business growing but wealth stuck? I’ll show you exactly how to protect and grow your cash flow to unlock full abundance. It’s all from a 3-level Hierarchy of Wealth on page 18.
Safety is step number 1. In business, there are many risks and threats to your cash flow and assets. We go through my two fool-proof tools to protect not just your net worth but also your monthly cash flow on page 28.
Never miss out on a chance to invest and grow your money. My 2×2 Passive Income Matrix allows your to weigh each investment so you know when to pass.. And when you’re ready to invest without fear of wasting your time, energy, or money, on page 60.

Download your copy of my book:
The Wealthy Entrepreneur Scorecard

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